This word sums up our day.
The Lord provided us with an abundance of kids! Over 160 kids!!! And they all had an abundance of energy! Thankfully the Lord provided our team with an abundance of energy to match the kids!
Our car rides to the community center help provide that energy...
God is good, so the topic picture and energy level
Become this...
Today we learned that Jesus is healer as we taught through the healing of the blind man. It has been so sweet to see the kids respond and listen during the lesson time. We are praying, and would ask that you would join us in prayer, that the Lord would minister to these children's hearts as we plan on sharing the Gospel with them on Friday!
Some of the kids from the camp have really began to take a liking to us and it's been amazing to see what a smile, a high five or a word of encouragement can mean to a child!
After our time with the kids ended, we went back to the Tebbe's where we had lunch in their back yard. Fernando shared a devotional and we had a little bit of time to relax. Some chatted with the kids, other's played games...and some even got a little nap in!
Following our time at the Tebbe's we loaded up and took the train in to downtown Dublin, otherwise known as City Centre. This was fun as we got to see some of the city! A stop in Ireland wouldn't be right without having fish and chips, so we grabbed that for dinner before heading back to our cottages to debrief, talk about changes for tomorrow as well as put together a game plan for the teen retreat, which begins tomorrow.
We even had an encounter with a leprechaun!
Tomorrow we begin our extended ministry days as we have VBS in the morning and teen retreat in the evenings. We covet your prayers over both ministry opportunities!
Our theme for tomorrow's VBS, "Jesus is Father" and we will be taking a look at the parable of the lost sheep and the lost coin!
For our teen retreat, we will be studying 2 Tim 1:7 and will be looking at how each aspect; power, love, and a sound mind/discipline overcome fear. We've dubbed our teen retreat "FEARLESS"
We can't wait to see the kids in the morning as we continue to pray for an abundance. An abundance of kids, an abundance of energy, and an abundance of God's grace, mercy and love!
Until tomorrow,
Mission Ireland