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Oh Hey Melanie!

Why are you going on this trip?

God has blessed me with the amazing opportunity to share the gospel to the people of Ireland. Two years ago, when I first met the Tebby family, I loved their hearts and path to Ireland. I wanted to serve in any way - Gods perfect timing and will has allowed me to serve Him this year on this mission trip.

What is your favorite Bible verse?

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans‬ ‭12:1-2‬ ‭

What is something interesting about you?

This is my third international mission trip. Last summer I went to Kenya and South Sudan with samaratians purse and the year before I went to South Korea with Calvary Chapel East Anaheim Young Adult Group. The Lord stretched me and grew me each trip and I look forward to seeing how God grows me in Ireland.

What is a favorite childhood memory that you have?

Every summer when I was in elementary school I would go to Ecuador and visit my grandma. I have the best memories with her. She taught me how to cook, to sew, to play card games and to laugh. Most importantly she was a wonderful example of Christ's love in everything she did. I cherish my memories with her and we reminisce even today.

When did you give your life to the Lord and how?

I grew up in a Christian home. My mom shared Jesus's love daily. I gave my life to the Lord when I was 13 when I realized I needed God as my Lord. Throughout high school and college, I justified my sin not realizing I needed Jesus as my Lord AND Savior and then the Lord grew me closer to Him and changed the desires of my heart to Him.

How do you want to be used/how do you anticipate being used on this trip?

God has blessed me with the opportunity to serve on the lesson planning team. It has been a great privilege to work with Jeff, Jacob and Caleb on creating the lessons for the Vacation Bible School. I know God is going to use these lessons for His glory to share Jesus's love. I want to be flexible to the Spirit's leading before, during and after the trip. I am also leading a small group during the teaching outreach and I look forward to sharing my life with the girls and how my walk with the Lord is the most important thing in my life. I am willing to be used however the Lord desires.

Prayer Request:

I pray that before, during, and after the trip my eyes will be focused on Christ and His will for my purpose on the trip.

Please pray for boldness to share the gospel in Ireland - to strangers, to the VBS kids and to the teenagers. I am a planner and I pray that the Lord gives me a flexible spirit to the things I cannot control on the trip. Also pray for the VBS lesson planning group that God speaks through us and we are able to reach out to the kids of Ireland.

Keep up with Ireland 2017!

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