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Team Bonding and Sweet Treats

On Saturday, April 29th we met at the Lusk's beautiful home to spend some time together as a team for the second time.

We each brought an entree, drinks, or a dessert with us and we spent the first half of our time eating and conversing.

That followed with a time of sharing our hearts for Ireland and how we felt the Lord leading us to go on this mission trip. Many shared about financial questions being the reason they may have doubted, and others shared about how they knew as soon as the trip was mentioned that it was somewhere God wanted them to be. Shawn ended the time of sharing by telling us his heart behind CC Dublin and all the things that God is doing in and through them there.

It was an uplifting time to say the least and all the members of the team have such incredible stories.There is definitely a stronger bond being formed between the team as a whole.

A few team members also met in the Church cafe after our potluck to bake some goods for the bake sale the following morning and

our bake sale was definitely a success. It was encouraging to see so much of the Church body come out to support us and show us that they are backing our mission.

Keep up with Ireland 2017!

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